Saturday, 3 October 2009

Where to begin.

Pj's was good, I enjoyed myself and I didn't think I'd get as drunk as I did! I got home at like eleven and decided, fuck it lets go back out hahaha. And I spent all the food/college/lunch money on taxis/booze. Boooo! I hate taxis, they should not exist.

My parents are still away until Monday night. Josh has been alright but he had folk round last night (thank god I wasn't here), and he has folk round right now, I just don't like it.

I'm up all night with the dog cause she's "ill" (disabled) and I feed her, clean the house, wash all the dishes, I've got college, buy dinners for everyone... I feel so sorry for my Mum. I don't blame her for not having a job cause being a house wife is hard work. Although it is fucking shit that I have to clean up after a 19 year old and a 22 year old. I stayed at Matty's last night for a "night off". I got home today at 4 in the afternoon and no-one had given the breakfast or put her out, and the entire kitchen surface was covered in dishes.

Yesterday was Josh's birthday. I didn't get him anything because my present for him was tidying up after his fucking lazy arse - enjoy!

Cannot wait for my own bed tonight.

The past week I've not been able to take deep breaths and I've been ridiculously stressed and had a mini break down to Lianne the other day. I thought the breathing was my asthma but I haven't had problems with my asthma for like 10 years and I just think I know myself that it wasn't asthma. So, anyway, I googled "difficulty taking deep breaths" and apparently its to do with anxiety, stress etc... Which makes sense. I want to go to the doctors this week but I know I'll get some mongo whose like ITS NOTHING, or, ITS ASTHMA, just cause on my record I got some inhalers when i was like ten. Also, I have a maths assessment on Thursday (I wanna pass it so badly, but don't think I will) And I think it will just sound like a total lame excuse. Can't concentrate at all in college right now. Not sure what to do, I can't wait for mummy and daddy to come home hahaha.

Anyway, x

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